I am a pacifist.

War is evil.
Military weaponry is terrible. It kills and wounds the innocent at ever expanding rates.
WW2 killed between 50 and 60 million people. That only multiplies if WW3 is to break out now.
If history repeats itself, it will take place in the same places with the same players. This time, Russia will be against us, while Germany will be part of us. In Asia, Japan will be with us, while China will be against us. In the Middle East, Israel and Saudi Arabia will be with us while Iran will be against us.
In WW2 the key player was the United States of America. That will not change in WW3. So goes America, so goes the victors of WW3.
Everything will be at stake for America: It is the cradle of democracy; it is the anchor that holds democracy in place world wide.
Plus, America has amassed the most potent military in history.
This is an irony of extraordinary proportions for me.
Here I am: a pacifist who has flourished in the world’s first democracy, which has amassed the scariest killing machine ever.
America will win WW3 with such crippling results that no one with be left untouched. Most all of us will be terribly, terribly touched.
What’s the purpose then if we win the war but lose potentially hundreds of millions of lives in the process. Let’s be honest, it’s not worth it.
Yet, as a believer and participant in democracy, I am deeply opposed to state run authoritarianism taking us over. China, Russia, and Iran are authoritarian states. These three nations have painful histories, some of them taking place during the past century. For example, China calls their experience during the twentieth century their “ 100 years of humiliation”. The Russians lost 20 million citizens during WW2, and saw the collapse of their government in 1989. And the last half of the twentieth century saw Iran wracked with violent religious revolution.
Each has established order this century under authoritarian regimes. Each is an aggressive authoritarian state, targeting the American democratic system. Why? Justification for use of its own power. Unless it does so, it will lose its own claim to power. Power is an intoxicant, like sex and money, it’s temporary at best, and burnt off very quickly.

What’s this pacifist’s plan then?
First, be active in local politics. Work to keep our political system democratic. Donate liberally, as our circumstances permit,to candidates running for office, who are supportive of maintaining strong democratic values and practices.
Next, as a pacifist I have no choice but to strongly support America’s military in building its defenses in order to secure PEACE and FREEDOM in the air, the sea, and on the land.
If I believe America is strong enough to win WW3, surely then there is no reason to doubt it can be a principal player in securing the peace and supporting freedom worldwide.
Face it, it’s been doing that since the end of WW2. Plus, it was key to creating the United Nations, which organization’s mandate is to secure peace and freedom throughout the world.
To secure the peace and defend freedom, the United States Military has created a ribbon of defense in four strategic areas around the world:
The first is in the South and East China Seas. It hovers along China’s sea coast. America’s principal partners in the region are Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, The Philippines, and Australia. Growing partnerships might also include VietNam and India.
Who is strongest if war were to break out between America and China? If not in actual numbers, there is no doubt that America and her partners would have naval superiority. Naval warplanes are fast, lethal, and accurate. Naval submarines concern the Chinese and rightfully so. They run silent, deep, and long.
If China were to make a surprise attack on American soil, America would sustain serious losses according to sources, but after some months it would battle back, and China’s military on the sea and in the air would be significantly compromised. America and her partners would be victorious.
America and Europe have established a powerful shield of defense to contain Russia from expansionist tendencies. This shield is called NATO. Presently, this is being implemented in supplying Non-NATO Ukraine with military weapons to protect itself from Russia’s invasion. Presently, Ukraine and Russia have been at war for the past three years.
If all out war were to break out, who would win? It is obvious that NATO would prevail. Evidence of this can be seen in tiny NON-NATO Ukraine’s success against Russia.
Russia’s navy would suffer huge losses witness what has already happened in the Black Sea as Ukraine has already crippled Russia’s navy without even having a navy of its own.
It is important to note that the critical strategic asset America possesses is its economy. Neither China nor Russia possess the means to support their militaries with sustained financial support vis-a-vie America. China is an export driven country. It relies on trade with western countries to buy its exports for cash with part of the take going to its military to continue to bulk up its offensive assets.Moving on, Russia has one export that the world wants – oil. With each passing day that an EV comes off the manufacturing plant’s floor and is sold, that’s one pinch less Russia has to continue to try and keep up with America’s firepower, plus, if all else fails, America will open up its capped off oil fields to supply all the oil Europe needs.
THIRD, America has established a strategic alliance with Israel to keep the peace in the Middle East. Presently, Iran has backed various groups in the area to hinder and overthrow Israel.

Evidence of Israel’s superior strength in defending itself against missile and drone attacks from Iran is its impressive Iron Dome. Nothing of any significance landed during the attack. All were shot out of the air. A suspicion lingers. Russia may have asked for a favor. Cause trouble in order to help Trump win the presidential election. It’s not worth the worry.
Oh, yes. The Iron Dome is American software given to Israel. Plus, when Iran hurled bombs and drones onto Israel, not only was it software that created the Iron Dome, but American jets that shot them out of the air, with the help of European ones and Jordanian ones as well.
LAST, America is a strategic fortress. Like Israel, it has an iron dome. Like I just said, America supplied the Iron Dome software to Israel. Plus, every state has a national guard, a highway patrol, strong local police departments. Plus, mountain ranges, well trained and fully equipped coast guards, and the United States Navy and Army and Air Force to protect it. Probably, no country in history has been as well fortified as the United States of America.
America and its western allies are resolute in protecting democracy. China, Russia, and Iran are equally resolute in blowing a hole through the ribbon of defense. Will they do it? No. Not with the ribbon of defense that has been developing over the past two to three decades
Weapons of war are made for one purpose only: to kill. However, twenty first century weapons will change that.
Artificial Intelligence.
As a pacifist I’ll protest as an American citizen to ensure that written into every compressed software program, and into every new advanced chip, will be instructions to expand CREATIVE FORCES, beyond human capabilities, on how to avert destruction, and how to successfully integrate ever expanding artificial intelligence into human evolution. American military leadership has reached an important conclusion – the world cannot continue to improve the lethality of conventional weapons without destroying civilization. Artificial Intelligence must be equipped to find creative ways to use weapons without killing people. Winning without killing. That’s the next step forward for the blending of Artificial Intelligence into human intelligence. That is where we are heading as a human species.
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